Water Quality FAQs
Is my water chlorinated?
CCMWA adds precise amounts of chlorine to the water during the treatment process to make sure it meets state and federal water quality standards.
Is my water fluoridated?
Yes. Georgia state law requires the addition of fluoride to drinking water for preventing dental decay and for its beneficial effect on the general health of the public.
What do I need to know about lead in drinking water?
Our service area and system are at low risk for lead and copper contamination. CCMWA’s delivery system has no lead service lines, and we treat our source water to prevent lead and copper corrosion within lead pipes that might be inside a building. You can read about our corrosion control protocols here, along with some information provided by Cobb County Water System about lead pipes in the home. You can find more information about our customers’ systems on their websites.
Can I bring in a water sample for testing?
Maybe. If you need water testing, please call the Simmons Laboratory at 770-514-5280. They can tell you whether they can perform the test you need and how best to collect and deliver your sample. If they can’t perform the test, they will recommend another laboratory.
Is my water hard or soft?
Whether water is hard or soft is determined by measuring the minerals in the water. 100 milligrams (mg)per liter (mg/L) or more of calcium carbonate is considered hard water, which is not conducive to foaming soaps and often has a slight odor. CCMWA’s water typically has only about 38 mg/L of calcium carbonate, making it soft water. This is largely due to the fact that CCMWA receives its water from surface water sources and not ground water.
How do I convert grains per gallon (GPG) to milligrams per liter (mg/L)?
Grains per gallon is a common term of measurement also used to measure hardness of water.
1 grain per U.S. gallon (gpg) = 17.1 milligrams per liter (mg/L)